Hotel Codes for NJCAA Region 24 Softball Tournament

The NJCAA Region 24 Softball Tournament on Thursday, May 3rd through Saturday, May 5th will be at Champion Fields in Normal, Illinois. The address for Champion Fields is 1850 Gregory Street, Normal, Illinois 61761. The hotel working closely for discounts on rooms is the Radisson Hotel which is located at 8 Traders Circle, Normal, Illinois 61761. The hotel is approximately 2.7 miles away (7 minutes). Around the Radisson are multiple restaurants such as Steak n' Shake, Denny's, Subway, Moe's, Wendy's, Rosati's and more! A private buffet breakfast for those booked under the promotional code listed below is included in the cost! 

When you call to make a reservation make sure you reference: Region 24 Softball 

Radisson Hotel Phone Number: +1 (309) 862-0101

Booking Online:

Promotional Code: HCCSFT